Genesis Regenerative Medicine, more commonly known as tissue engineering, is a branch of regenerative biology and translational science that deals with the process of building, repairing, or replacing damaged, lost or injured cells, tissues, or organs to restore, sustain or establish new normal function. The term regenerative medicine is used to describe any medical intervention that uses techniques of cell culture or tissue engineering to produce new cells, tissues, or organs that are capable of performing normal functions. Regenerative medicine has become an increasingly important field, as scientists have discovered that the ability to regenerate certain organs, such as the eye, heart and brain, can also lead to the restoration of these organs after some type of injury.
In this field, scientists work to develop methods of using stem cells, such as umbilical cord blood and other tissue sources, to produce new tissues and organs that may be used to treat a variety of ailments. It is an emerging field and much of the work is in the research and development stages. There is also the need to improve methods of tissue transplantation and create an implantable organ or device that will last for several years, if not more, to provide patients with a good chance of survival. One of the most exciting and promising fields of regenerative medicine involves the use of gene therapy to treat conditions like sickle-cell anemia, Parkinson’s disease, and even age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers are trying to genetically alter a patient’s genetic material in order to reverse certain age-related diseases, increase the production of new cells and tissue and promote the growth of new nerve and muscle cells. This type of therapy can also help those who suffer from certain types of cancer or those who are severely injured and scarred. In the future, this technology may even be used to regenerate nerves and muscles in the brain and spinal cord in people who have had traumatic brain injuries.
There are a number of benefits to regenerative medicine and the success of such therapies will depend on the individual and the condition of his or her body. However, one of the most obvious advantages to regenerative medicine includes the fact that it is possible to regenerate damaged, aged or diseased tissue. This means that the body can repair itself and regenerate tissue and organs, making a person more healthy and less susceptible to illness and disease.
Regenerative technologies in the medical field will also eventually lead to improved ways of diagnosing and treating diseases, as well as developing new methods of treating and preventing disease. Scientists have already developed some of the most sophisticated regenerative technologies in the medical world, such as tissue engineering to help prevent diseases such as breast cancer and HIV and more recently helping to make prosthetic hands. There is also the potential to treat many of the same types of ailments that we treat with drugs such as arthritis, epilepsy, cardiovascular disease and cancer by using tissue engineering.
Regenerative medicine will undoubtedly continue to expand in scope and become more important in the years to come. As the scientific community continues to unravel the mysteries of nature and advance its understanding of our bodies, the possibilities of treatment and prevention of disease will become greater. As the costs of healthcare continue to rise, regenerative medical technology is likely to take over traditional treatment methods for the majority of patients.